Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Editors note - We are all fascinated by seeing ancient structures such as pyramids. Many believe that the technology used building these cannot be human. Many scientistshistorians and archaeologists claim that these structures were built with extraterrestrial intelligent species's support. Secrets around these are yet to be found. Until then we have to base our assumptions on available knowledge. This is yet another attempt to understand how amazing these structures are. 

Pyramids are weights on Spaceship or Planet Earth that often correlate with Pyramids and other structures on other Spaceships or Planets such as The Moon or Mars (which BOTH have many Pyramids), and other areas throughout the Galaxy and Solar System.  Pyramids are part of the energy-grid system and are often Star-gates and revolve around Magnetic Energy, Electrical Energy, and Vibration.  There are an abundance of pyramids all at the 33 Degrees Latitude, Masonic Line.  The Most Famous, the Egyptian Pyramids, lie at this line, but so do the underwater Pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle, The Mayan Pyramids, Japan's Pyramids in Devil's Sea, and more. 

Japanese Pyramids 

Many consider the Japanese Pyramids that are currently underwater The First Pyramids.  They were carved by man above sea and became an underwater city.  Many say this Yonaguni Monument Religious Structure to contact YHWH ("God") and his angels and can be as much as 10,000 years old

Japanese Pyramids

 The Egyptian Pyramids are the Most-Well known Pyramids to humankind and exist in Egypt where the Original Hebrew Israelites (Africans, Latinos, Native Indians) were put into Slavery.  The Pyramids were built by Nephilim Giants and Anunnaki Created Slaves.  The Pyramids are approximately 5,000 Years Old and one Egyptian Pyramid could have blown up as far back as 12,000 years ago.  The Egyptian Pyramids correlate with Orion's Belt in Orion's Theory as the Milky Way correlates with The Nile River. 

The Pyramids and Egypt are infamously evil places and The Pyramids can be used as a communication method to contact The Orion Group, partners with the Reptilians, Draco Greys, and Zardians, known as the Unholy Four.  Technology was used to build The Great Pyramids.  Ancient Artifacts were found that had electronic batteries and evidence of power systems involving electricity.  They had helicopters at the time.

This is NOT the most advanced society has ever been.  Many say the Pyramids were a Tomb for Pharaohs.  Some step Pyramids were built as Tombs, but the Great Pyramids were more than that.  Limestone River beds were under the Pyramids and due to the rising and falling of the Nile River, the water produces electrical charges.  Pyramids are energy machines as Yonaguni and all Pyramids are along with Temples and structures such as Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, and The Great Wall of China. 

The Pyramids greatly affect the Magnetic Field and the Electrical Grid as they often Harvest Unidentified Flying Objects.  The Great Pyramids have much to do with energy and Earth's geomagnetic field.  The Construction with Granite Stones leads the Granite to ionize and electrify the air.  These Pyramids are then turned into Galactic Broadcasting Systems.

CRYSTAL Pyramid on the Bermuda Triangle

       There is a CRYSTAL Pyramid on the Bermuda Triangle at Approximately 33 Degrees Latitude.  It is approximately 14,000 feet underwater.  Many Planes and Ships get Lost and Disappear in the Bermuda Triangle, which is the World's Biggest Whirlpool.  Also, many Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO's) and Unidentified Submerged Objects (USO's) are seen entering and leaving this area.  This Crystal Pyramid is a Time Portal, Dimensional Portal, and Stargate.

Alien Technology was also used to build this underwater structure and city filled with rooms, roadways, crystals, and more.  These cities and Pyramids by Bermuda Triangle are the Lost City of Atlantis left over Remnants.  The crystals in this city(s) possessed powers unknown to human man.  Crystals possess tremendous energy and there were or possible are dozens of crystal lenses in this area.  Giant Sphinxes have also been found underwater by these Pyramids and the architecture of these great structures mimic and mirror the Great Pyramids and surrounding structures of Egypt on the same Latitude Line together and also with the Yonaguni Monument, Mayan Pyramids, and Pyramids in Japan.

The Mayan Pyramids

       The Mayan Pyramids are approximately 2,300 years old and reside in present-day Mexico.  The Mayan Pyramids were built to mimic the mountains and were a man-made mountain in itself.  The Pyramids have cities, a circular building observatory, roads, worship centers, large wells, and many other civilized designs technology was most likely utilized to construct.  It also has large wells that were used to generate electricity and to worship a Rain God the Mayans idolized.  There is a Giant Sink Hole in the Proximity of these Pyramids and remains of children and other sacrifices to the Rain God were found in this sink hole.

 The Mayans (Original Hebrews) often watched the stars and were even able to predict Solar Eclipses.  They were great at Math and Astronomy.  The Mayan Pyramids had a light beam photographed and viewed coming from the Pyramid going directly into space communicating with the Heavens while being made in Perfect Symmetry. 
 Hieroglyphics, an ancient pictorial language, were used on the Mayan Pyramids, Egyptian Pyramids, and possibly others.

Antarctica also had many Pyramid

       Antarctica also had many Pyramid Structures above ground and most likely in the Ocean also.  In that area of the Pyramids is a Research Facility and intellectuals have proven many alien species to be living in that area.  Many of them can be living underneath the ice or water and breathe hydrocarbons.  Some say there is a strong presence of the Anunnaki in Antarctica and the area is filled with Serpentine Holographic Sumerian Ruins.  Many Alien Discs and Flying Sauces have been seen leaving and coming in that area or land and Unidentified Submerged objects also.  Antarctica has a Entrance to HOLLOW (Spaceship) Earth.  Inside Earth is massive with worlds, cities, alien species, human beings, dinosaurs, and more.  It is Earth's engine along with having much magma which can correlate with the Lake of Fire and Nine Levels of Hell Enoch describes to Dante. 

Antarctica used to be a tropical paradise and now after going under water and ice, it can be located inside HOLLOW Earth.  The Pyramids in Antarctica have many similarities and entanglement with the Lost Atlantean Pyramids in Bermuda Triangle.  Pyramids have recently been found in the North Pole after mass ice melting.  The North Pole also has an entrance to Hollow Earth.  Adolf Hitler (Nephilim/Reptilian) escaped their after World War 2 and before the Nuremberg Trials and Admiral Richard Byrd flew into the entrance and him and his planes were intercepted with Anti-Gravitational Technology.  There is a Large Giant Pyramid underground in Alaska.  This is in the approximate vicinity of Some of the First HAARP Tower(s) which greatly affects, manipulates, and changes the electrical grid.  There are HAARP Towers on The Moon, Mars, and other Spaceships/Planets also and all the towers communicate.  The Pyramid in Alaska is said to be bigger than the one in Egypt.  Highly Advanced Technology was used to build this Pyramid.

       Approximately 12,000 years old, the First yet known temple in South Turkey, a structure called Gobekli Tepe was built.  As far back and old as that is, this complex structure could not have been built by human beings without some type of technology and most likely was not built by human beings at all.  Snakes (Reptilians), Birds (Easter Island), Bulls (Syria), Fish (Philistines), Boars, Geese, Insects, and other animals were carved into this Temple and these animals illustrated was a Hybrid Alien War.  This is not only a Structure, but an underground cave world with roads and different formations within. 

There is a Triangulation of Giza Pyramids, Gobekli Tepe, and Aegean Underwater site.  The Temples of JERUSALEM are very important.  These Temples also communicate with Space and the first two have been intentionally destroyed.  These Temples communicate with the good extraterrestrial Sirians (Lions), Arcturians, Pleiadians (Eagles), Andromedans, and others.

A Ukrainian scientist discovered the what many say is the Oldest Pyramid in the world in the most beautiful part of Ukraine, in Crimea.  The Pyramid was found underground and some of them are underwater.  This Pyramid was built in the midst of the Dinosaurs.  This Pyramid can be the real reason for the Ukraine war and the invasion by Russia (Gog) and America (Babylon).  It is not a coincidence the invasion was not focused on securing the pipelines or the population, but in this specific location.  World War 3 is focused around this Pyramid as they are fighting in Iraq securing a prominent Time Portal, wormhole, vortex.  The 7 Pyramids in Crimea will represent the 7 sisters, the 7 Angels, and 7 Stars of the Pleiades.    

       There are other Structures that serve the same purpose as they temples such as Machu Picchu in Peru, the Statues built on Easter Island, The Georgia Guidestones, Stonehenge in England, and more.  Machu Picchu was Earthquake proof and considered to be one of the wonders of the world.  It had a Sacred Rock, Sacred Plaza, doors, cemetery, temples, royal tombs, and much more.  There have been many UFO's seen harvesting this area. 

Easter Island were statues built for "bird" gods or hybrids and the large statues further went underground to have more in depth developments leading to cities, roadways, burial chambers, and more.  The Georgia Guidestones are on the 33 Degree Latitude line with "Alien" Rules to live by inferring the Planet is meant to be for 500,000 people leading to the conclusion they want to kill 7 Billion people to have the population applicate to the printing on these massive structures which affect the electrical grid, magnetic energy, and vibration of the Planet. 

Stonehenge is approximately 5,500 years old and is a Satanic Site often the home of Free Mason and Luciferians Rituals, especially on the Summer Solstice.  Stonehenge is also made of granite like many of the Pyramids and has many significant astronomical effects.  It is a dimensional time portal, energy conductor, big factorial in the electric grid, and should be knocked down.  The 7-Year Tribulation started in October 2009 when the First Beast Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize and Earth started Nuclear Bombing the Moon. 

       All of these Pyramids, Temples, Statues, and other types of monumental structures have above and/or underground water nearby, have water systems, electrical systems, subterranean bases, cities, and more.  All of them correlate with space and revolve around magnetic energy, the energy grid, gravity, dimensional travel, and more.  All the Structures mentioned can communicate with each other and can possibly be each alien race marking their territory on Earth.  They all have contact with Space and Aliens.  For example, the Pyramids in Egypt contact Orion as the Temples of Jerusalem contact the Syrians. 

There has been alien war(s) going on in the backdrop of humanity previous to the beginning of humankind on Earth and continue today often using human beings as pawns.  You can be a good vessel or bad vessel.  Backdrop of humanity mean in a different density or dimension that can be studied and is classified under Operations like Project M.A.L.D.A, Montauk Project, and/or Philadelphia Experiment.  These Structures are infiltration of Earth and Humanity and have an alien agenda that they planned while building these structures.  They affect the Polarity and Vibration of the Planet. 

These Structures can be seen from Space and that can be proven by the average human being able to see them with Google Earth and with upgraded special or government technology, the pyramids on the ocean's floor can also be seen from outer-space.  There are many, many more Pyramids and Temples above ground and below sea level. 

Main Source

Book of Enoch
Ancient Churches of Ethiopia- David W. Phillipson
Nephilim Agenda- Randy Demain
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific
Sons of God: Who Are We- Why Are We- Zen Garcia

