note – This is a view of a Christian on what actually happens to children today
around the world. While the editor agrees on almost everything that is
mentioned here, there are few things that editor disagrees. For an example,
editor believes that the population controls indeed a very good solution to the
world’s problems today. The earth had only a billion people by 1900 and it tripled
by 1960. By today it has yet again tripled making it a 9Bn people on the planet
which planet no longer can hold sustainably. Increase of population has made it
difficult to divide resources while demand for resources increasing every day. This
has led to many struggles and conflicts. However, editor agrees abortion is a
murder except for extreme conditions such as mother’s life is in great danger
etc. What we need to promote for those who get raped is not abortion, but how to
prevent conceiving even after a rape.
is neither a believer in GOD nor in Satan and other fictional characters. However,
editor believes that good and bad are depicted through such characters. Therefore,
finds nothing wrong in considering bad acts as satanic and good acts as godly. Meanwhile,
Editor is not in a position to comment on work Gates foundation does in Africa.
Editor believes Gates foundation is doing a noble service in Africa in trying
to control STDs. It is good to introduce birth controls and prevent unnecessary
pregnancies of those who are affected with AIDS etc. However, editor believes
that some of these revelations, arguments and facts are very enlightening
although all of them may not be true.
children of world have been targeted at a young age to be brainwashed,
programmed, attacked, and trained to be slaves, closed narrow-minded thinkers,
drug addicts, homosexuals, and more unnatural limiting structure schemas while
attempting to deteriorate family life and privatization of education. The
targeting of a human being begins before they even enter the world.
is Murder and one of the most disgusting things and sins on this Earth. Abortion
is a Child Sacrifice to Satan or Baal similar to what occurs at
Bohemian Grove. The Prevention of Abortion starts with not having
Pre-Marital Sex. Abortion does not end the life of a potential human
being; it ends the life of an actual human being with great potential.
There have been over 50 MILLION BABIES ABORTED in America alone since
the Roe v.s. Wade Decision. This is a Holocaust over Decades
and one of United States and the World's Worst Sins and people involved without
REPENTANCE will be punished. The Abortion Epidemic is Mass Genocide and
the babies are alive and feel pain and the woman is being hurt also. That
is a Tortured Death for an Unborn Baby, A Child of YHWH. Abortion
has took more human lives than all wars combined!!!
for woman often hurts the cervix, neck of the womb, other areas, and can also
affect fertility. Satan targets fetuses, new born babies, and children
for demonic energy. There are Probiotics and Countless Nutrients in
other baby formulas are poison! Breast Milk is targeted with Disasters
like Chernobyl, Waco, Fukushima, and other forms of Radiation and Nuclear
Attacks used as Weapons. These Disasters and Nuclear Weapons are the Cause
of Hypothyroidism/Congenital Hypothyroidism/Graveś Disease to Trap the Spirit
of Human Beings and Manipulate their brains and consciousness. These
diseases can be Cured with NUCLEAR MEDICINES such as Garcinia
Cambogia (home grown), Probiotics, Iodine-131, Algae, Potassium Iodide,
Seaweed, and Kelp.
Baby is Human at the Moment of Conception and after a few weeks, the baby has a
heartbeat and a blood flow. Shortly after, the baby gains brain waves and
body parts. If the baby has brain waves, that means the baby can feel
pain when be shredded, poisoned, or any other methods. Many abortions go
wrong and many woman who abort their child often suffer from guilt.
Different Methods of Abortion are Suction Curettage, Dilation and Curettage,
Dilation and Evacuation, Saline Solution Method or Salt Poisoning, and many
other methods. Many Hospitals than throw the Babies Away in "Dirty
Rooms". Many of these fetuses are used for many other disgusting
reasons and rituals as some of their tissues are often put in Vaccinations
(Tools of Mass Genocide). In1880, Abortion was made illegal in the United
States and many rich woman were still doing it illegally.
Roe v.s. Wade United States Supreme Case was revolved around Abortion and made
a landmark decision to grant the Rights of Abortion to Woman to have the
ability to abort a baby if it is within the first three Months of a
Pregnancy. Norma Leah McCorvey was "Jane Roe" and the plaintiff
in this case and the Defendant was District Attorney Henry Wade. The Jane
Roe v.s Henry Wade was decided on January 22, 1973. When the Abortion
Case Judgement was Released, Churches, many Christians, and others were
outraged while many woman rights groups were happy. The problem with
giving the rights to the woman is that the Baby who can not speak for itself
has no rights. Furthermore, the baby has two Parents and Both should be
able to make a joint decision if abortion was legal.
Parenthood is a Pro-Choice Establishment that provided millions
of murderous abortions where unborn babies suffered. They
are a Huge Corporation in the United States (Babylon) with over a 1 Billion
Dollar Budget and 820 Centers setup and over 1,800 Abortion Providers
Nationally. It is a profitable Luciferian Business!!! There are
over 200 Abortion Providers in Canada and these places should be SHUT DOWN
GLOBALLY!!! The Planned Parenthood centers provide emergency
contraception like morning after pills, birth control pills, male condoms,
female condoms such as diaphragms and contraceptive sponges, hormonal
contraception in oral pills, patches, vaginal rings, and injectable
contraceptives and these are all ILLEGAL to The Torah and The Holy
Bible. Sterilization such as vasectomy and tubal ligation is a form of
Permanent Birth Control. They teach oral sex and non-penetrative sex as
forms of a contraception. Approximately, 98 Percent of Woman in United
States have used birth control at some point in their life and approximately 62
percent of woman of the reproductive age currently are using birth
control. That means they all committed sins and
must REPENT!!!
Control is used Globally, but abstinence or abstinence until Marriage is used
hardly anywhere and is the only proper way. Planned Parenthood Centers
and Abortion Clinics have often been a target for Pro-Life
Activists. There have been bombings at these places along with
assassinations on the workers of the places. The Millions of Babies being
Murdered throughout the nation and world annually deeply sickens and disgusts
many people. Often, young teenager or adolescents go to these places to
get birth control and sometimes have secretive abortions against their parent's
will. Commandment Number 5 is Honor your Mother and Father. There
have been cases against many of these places for not following Parental Consent
Laws when providing children with information or services. The Popular
Hollywood Movie Juno and MTV Show Teen Mom both exemplify some of the issues
circulating around Birth Control, Abortion, Pre-Marital Sex, and other areas of
interest. Reports show aborted babies are being incinerated to provide
electricity in the United States. They have been found in Vaccines and
McDonald's hamburgers. Compulsory Sterilization or Forced Sterilization
are government programs which attempt to force people to undergo surgical
sterilization and is inhumane.
has admitted forced birth control for Ethiopian Immigrants and many of them
were scared into receiving the shot. Canada, China, Czech Republic,
Germany, Japan, India, Israel, Peru, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, United
States, and Uzbekistan all had Compulsory Sterilization in some parts or at
some time in their countries. This is Eugenics!!! Bill Gates
is a Eugenicist who often targets Africa (Tribe of Judah). More Forced
Birth Control is in Vaccination and highly implemented in STD
Vaccinations such as HPV Gardasil which is widespread. China had a
One-Child Policy which was a form of dictatorship and population control.
The Policy implicated an increase in forced abortions, female
infanticide, underreporting of females births, and possible cause behind
China's Sex Imbalance. Many Chinese (great army) New Born Females were
and are often discarded and sometimes without report. The Policy was
often enforced by fines and many other factors. The Chinese government
recently admitted that over the four last decades the country has aborted
over 336 Million unborn children, many of them forcibly. This mass
murder and Holocaust is Eugenics and should stop.
Involved is in drastic danger of losing their Eternal Soul (Spirit) and needs
to REPENT and Accept YESHUA, SON OF YHWH as SAVIOR and stop sinning!!!
This is more than the entered populations of United States and Australia
combined. This is more deaths than the 100 Million in the Bubonic
Plague, the 45 Million in the Great Chinese Famine, the 40 Million in 1918
Influenza Pandemic, the 25 Million people in the Holocaust, and the 8 Million
in the Soviet Famine all combined!!!
the baby infant is born in a hospital, they are immediately targeted with
VACCINATIONS; often forced and mandatory. The poisoning begins at the
start of a life in the Matrix. BILL GATES wants Forced Vaccinations Via
Mosquitoes and invented a device that is capable of this. Bill Gates is a
Notorious Eugenicist who believes Human Overpopulation is the main threat to
humanity and needs Population Control. Bill Gates believes end of life
care should cease for the elderly and should use death panels. These Vaccinations
are hindering humanity and implanting tracking device slave technology in
individuals. Removal of Heavy Metals from your body is necessary
also and can be done Naturally with Onions, Blue Green Algae, Garlic, Benzanite
Clay, Burdock Root, and Cilantro. Celery, Cucumber, Parsley, Ginger,
Lemon, and Coconut Water as Fresh Spices as Juice Cocktail is also a great
Heavy Metal Detox.
they can depopulate and minimize human beings, it is easier to control and
enslave humanity. Bill Gates played a role in creating AIDS and Cancer,
which both have very easy natural cures not ever released by Big Pharma, one of
the most evil organizations on Earth. The Club of Rome, headed by Henry
Kissinger, is working hand in hand with Big Pharma and carrying out the plans
of Agenda 21. They poison our children with disgusting drugs they don't
need. They put cancerous agents in all foods and household items.
Shingles Vaccination gave people Shingles and Anthrax Vaccination killed so
many people while many soldiers were required to take it. Americans who
received swine flu vaccines are at risk for paralysis. 50 African
Children suffered Hallucinations, Convulsions, and Ultimately Paralysis
after receiving Bill Gates-backed Meningitis Vaccine. Within 24 hours,
many of them began to be affected vomiting and suffering uncontrollable
is a Multi-Billionaire and if we wanted to help Africa, he would clean the
water and provide food and not Vaccinations. The Vaccinations will be one
of the main tools of genocide. In certain instances, people have been
injected with HIV, Cancer, Microchips, and others things when receiving
Vaccinations. There was information leaked from the Pentagon that Flu
Vaccinations were used to modify human behavior. Any needle that goes in
an individuals body has the chance to inject or implant things not original to
a body and they will use a Flu Scare to attempt to do that. Vaccines do
NOT prevent disease nor do they increase immunity. Vaccines have killed
as many people as Viruses. Fluoride does not prevent tooth decay.
Vaccinations will be one of the main tools of genocide. In the Flu
Vaccines, there is Mercury, Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Aborted Fetal Tissue, and
more. Flu Shots During Pregnancy lead to 4,250 Percent Increase in Fetal
Deaths. Polio killed over 23 Million People and the Polio Vaccine caused
Cancer and millions more to die. Swine Flu Vaccination caused Chronic
Nerve System and many other Vaccinations cause Autism in Children.
Monsanto and GM Foods are very bad and poison. Artificial Sweeteners like
Aspartame, Splenda, and Equal are very bad and poison. YHWH made the many
Fruits, Vegetables, Plants, and Seeds. Many deodorants, house cleansing
products, hair material, make-ups, and other cosmetic and cleaning products are
cancerous and contain poisons that cause diseases and affect intellectual
capabilities. The amount of vaccines given to a child drastically
increase in the past few decades and this needs to stop!
kids are increasingly being diagnosed with disease(s) such as ADD/ADHD and
other described doctrines and this is leading to our youth to get festered with
toxic pills to cure their "disease". Anti-depressant and other
drugs forced on children and kids is for huge profits. They play off parent's
fears and often making lifetime patients due to rareness in discontinuity and
this is a horrible threat to humanity. Many of these prescription drugs
lead to heart, kidney, liver, stomach, and other bodily problems including
brain alteration and deterioration. They often target, creative free
thinking children with lots of energy which can be beautifully channeled.
A false diagnosis of ADHD and ADD can be made if a child fidgets in a seat, is
disruptive in a class, or makes careless errors on classwork or homework.
many cases a simple change in diet would and has cured childhood behavioral and
mental struggles. Sugar(s) are poison, specifically aspartame, recently
named amino sweet, and other artificial sweeteners. Sugar is massively
marketed and distributed to children globally to create young lifetime
addicts. Soda, Cereal(s), Snacks, and Candy are in mass consumption
amongst children and this drastically effects their mental capabilities and
physical capabilities and growth. Soda is one of the worst poisons that
is globally accepted and consumed as a NORMAL beverage. The phosphoric
acid weakens bones and teeth. The artificial sweeteners make you crave
more and food dyes impair brain function and leads to hyperactivity. Sodas,
specifically Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola and their sub products are filled with
numerous deadly, infective poisons and toxins and drastically affects the human
brain and it's capabilities while deteriorating health often leading to several
of clean, non-fluoride drinking water is essential to a diet and life.
Fluoride has been classified as a dangerous neurotoxin and put in the same
category as arsenic, lead, and mercury. Fluoride is the prime ingredient
in rat poison and prozac and is bio warfare and constant Nuclear attack.
The fluoride in our water in the United Staes comes from
hydrofluorisilicic acid, a toxic waste from industry. This has never once
been tested for safety and is banned in 98 percent of Europe. A Small
Amount of Sodium Fluoride can kill an adult, and even more a child or infant.
It causes many diseases such as cancer, Hypothyroidism, Congenital
Hypothyroidism, and More. "In point of fact, fluoride causes more
human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical." is a
statement by Dr. Dean Burk who worked at National Cancer Institute for over
three decades. It is important for children (and adults) to exercise
daily, have a knowledge of The Holy Bible, and have a prayer life while often
meditating. The tragedy of Columbine students shooting their classmates,
teachers, and themselves, the D.C. Sniper, The Batman Movie Shooting, and many
other circumstances revolves around mind controlled and brainwashed children
and teenagers often on prescription drugs.
DISNEY played a great role in this deceptive strategy. Disney was an
elite Nephilim Bloodline related to the Rothschilds, Crowleys, Hitlers, and
Bushs. He was a notorious pedophile and sex addict. Walt Disney and
J.P. Morgan helped fund Monsanto who is responsible for Agent Orange,
Aspartame, AND numerous other horrible crimes against humanity. Walt
Disney, who the Mickey Mouse character was figured after, was an occult porn
king. He enjoyed snuff porn films and child sex films. He was a
master of symbolism, often satanic symbolism and luciferian and Baal
worship. Disney EMPLOYEES HAVE recently been caught in a child sex
sting. Disneyland has underground tunnels where much mind control and
experiments involving often sexual acts occur. Nickelodeon and channels
of that sort are used to target children's reality and lead them what to
in most cases is often poison. Teletubbies, Barney, and the majority of
most children television programs are not educational nor beneficial. Violence
is often encouraged and deemed as normal in cartoons with characters such as
Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. Sex is often subliminally pitched into the
minds of children, kids, teenagers, and youth in Many Hollywood Films,
Television, Magazines, and other forms of mass media. Some examples are a
penis on the cover of the Little Mermaid Movie, the word "sex" being
wiped away in the dust in the Lion King, Jessica Rabbit from Roger Rabbit
caught in sexual freeze frames, and many others. It is better for a
FAMILY to garden, play music, games, or sports together as an educational
treatment and for family bonding. There are approximately 1,500
newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV Stations, 2,400
Publishers owned by approximately 5 Corporations in the United States.
cartoon and comic book characters are portrayed with the figured gesture of the
Illuminati Hand Symbol and 666 Hand Symbols often with the winked eye.
There is many subliminal occult indoctrination cartoons, games, and more,
mostly directed at kids and children. Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears,
Christina Aguilera, and others were in the Disney Mickey Mouse club and
targeted as child actors and performances. They are now under MK Ultra
and Mind Control in Hollywood. Cory Feldman and many others have step
forward to expose the pedophilia that runs rampant in Hollywood. America
and kids following Hollywood globally and its sub counterparts are trained and
raised to be gay and this is according to a planned homosexual agenda.
is very important to start at an early development level with free thinking and
experience as the guides. The Educational System is totally deteriorating
to a child's future thinking pattern and reality(ies). Deception is
The Main Tool of the Satan!!! His next two tools are Temptation and
Accusation. Satan will deceive you into believing a lie, tempt you into
committing a sin, and accuse you of committing the sin at judgement before YHWH
(God), Creator of the Universe and the only way to pay for that Sin will be
your Lawyer YESHUA and His Blood. Television and Media are the main
ways Satan deceives. Methods of Mind Control are also as followed:
Education System, Advertising and Propaganda, Predictive Programming, Sports,
Politics, Religion, Toxins in Food, Water, and Air, Drugs- Legal and Illegal,
Military Testing, ElectroMagnetic Spectrums, Computer Chips, RFID Chips,
Monarch Mind Control, MK-Ultra, Gwen Towers, Monsanto Chemtrails, Man Made
Disease, Nan-robotic, and More. A teacher is one of the most honorable
jobs and many become teachers because they want to help children and society as
a whole. The problem is the Education system in America and Globally has
been infiltrated by evilness.
Hitler (Nephilim Tribe of Dan Reptilian) of the Canaanite Rothschild Bloodline
wanted to control the textbooks so he could control what our youth learn and
perceive to be Real and to define history. He stated the following ¨Men
do not think. Make the Lie BIG, Make it Simple, keep it simple, keep
saying it, and eventually, they will believe it." "The great
masses of the people will fall victim to a big lie than a small
one." Education in the Modern-Day School system is a teacher
dictating an opinion to students on a particular subject and the student is to
go home, memorize, and answer what they are told is correct. When the
student returns to the classroom, if they memorized what they were told and
answer it how they were told on a test, they get a good grade. That is brainwashing
and minimal or no "thinking" is involved. They often do not
question Anything and are taught to OBEY. It is a
control method. In the American school system, lies such as Columbus
discovered America, the Wright brothers were the first people to fly an
airplane, and many others were invented, manipulated, and dictated. That
is why people still think Chemotherapy is the best cure for cancer. This
is disinformation and has to be unlearned before seeking the Truth on matters
outside the system.
All Children are born Geniuses and dumbed down by society, the
education system, media such as television and other forms, toxins in food and
water, vaccinations, and other things. Children are not born to hate or
fear, but are taught to do so. All human beings are born as Spirit of
PURE LOVE and after the Manipulation by deceptive snakes, they are led to
sin. Hypothyroidism/Congenital Hypothyroidism/Graves Disease is a Disease
that Plagues this Planet and the MASSES have this disease and do not know.
It is a way to limit the access to a marvelous brain and vast subconscious YHWH
created human beings with. It is also a way to keep the Spirit
trapped. It can be cured with Nuclear Medicines such
as Garcinia Cambogia, Probiotics (in breast milk), Iodine-131,
Algae, Potassium Iodide, Seaweed, Kelp, and more. Infants are targeted
with this disease by poisoning woman and the Natural Nutrients of Breast Milk
with disasters like Chernobyl, Fukushima, Waco, Texas, and other forms of
Radiation in Human Beings, Animals, The Water, Food, Soil, Environment,
Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and More. Do not Play the Elites game and they
can not win. Home School Children, turn off the television, buy and grow
organic food, do not take vaccinations (tools of mass genocides) or any needles
in your body, buy precious metals, read, study, and meditate on The Torah
(First Part of the Bible) and Holy Bible.
It is important to HOME SCHOOL your children including if they go
to school or not. Children should be encouraged to exercise, consume no
fast food or soda, and learn how to read the Bible for that is why children
were taught to read in the first place. Through youth, ages of sort
should read a variety of books and learn how to use the internet to do research
and different job tasks while participating in gardening, training classes, and
other helpful lessons that will benefit them throughout their life.
Textbooks in most schools globally were manipulated by Hitler and Nazis
changing reality of what occurred in history.
has been a movement away from family structure for a few decades and it is
getting worse with divorces, abortions, glorified sex, drugs, unemployment,
poverty, and more. Juvenile Detention Centers are often abusive in many
forms. Often the youth that consume cannabis are sometimes forced to take
psych meds which are much more physically, mentally, and spiritually
worse. There has been a rise in child soldiers in Africa and many other
places. To fix these horrible problems early at get it socially and
globally corrected, what has to be accepted is outlawed abortions, outlawed
vaccinations, no overprescribed medicines, and only natural cures, a better
truthful free thinking education system, a regain of control on mass media on
what our children are watching, playing, reading, and doing, and Holy Bible and
Prayer time for everyone.
Peace and LOVE Always!!! Please Share...
Peace and LOVE Always!!! Please Share...
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