We all have friends. Some of us have lots of friends while others may have only a few friends. Rarely you'd find people who doesn't have a single friend.
How many friends do you have?
The way we live today have become very complicated. We have various types of food, mode of transport, All kinds of clothes we ware depending on the situation, and unfortunately we have differentiated friends too to various categories.
To make it worst, or for better the technology has influenced how we select friends more than ever. There is no more isolated countries or societies in modern civilization. We all are linked some way or the other and internet enables us communicate with total strangers in matter of seconds if wish to do so.
How many friends do you have?
The way we live today have become very complicated. We have various types of food, mode of transport, All kinds of clothes we ware depending on the situation, and unfortunately we have differentiated friends too to various categories.
To make it worst, or for better the technology has influenced how we select friends more than ever. There is no more isolated countries or societies in modern civilization. We all are linked some way or the other and internet enables us communicate with total strangers in matter of seconds if wish to do so.
More particularly social media plays a huge role in our day to day life. The extent it has developed is so amazing and shocking as we realize many people marry nowadays mostly met on social media and developed their relationship to the next level.
Reverting to the subject of friendship, we now have friends who are childhood friends, classmates, friends at office, Friends in the area such as neighbor friends and virtual friends*, friends on internet such as facebook, twitter, skype or other networks.
Out of all these who are we trusting the most? Who do we consider the best? Who are we giving more time for? Spending more time with?
I have seen many people forget their long term friends because of virtual (online) friends. Friends they found out of nowhere. Sometimes you forget your classmates because you have new friends at your workplace. You forget your neighbors who were so close to you as soon as you move to a new place. Or because you have more friends now on facebook.
Friendship is something that keeps changing very often. The people you give priority changes very often and human nature is such that we are always changing. There maybe people who have done so much for you in life, Supported you through your journey long ago, but when you have climbed the ladder you may tend to forget them. You are no longer valuing the support and hand they gave you back then as friends.
Sometimes there are those who actually respect their valuable friendships throughout their life's journey. Every now and then make a visit, make a call and most importantly when they need you, you were always there.
I remember a quote which says, FRIENDS ARE LIKE STARS, THEY ARE THERE ALWAYS, BUT YOU WON:T SEE THEM ALWAYS. Well, perfectly fine. But when they need your friendship, your help, your hand and your support you got to be there. If you don't come out of the clouds when they need you. if you don't make sure they are there while you cannot see them you'd only left to regret.
How many of realize that we are too late to take care of our friends, too late to enjoy a cup of tea or a nice evening with them? Too late to make them happy and help them through their hardest times of life? Sometimes we could be little too late when we finally remembers people who matters to us most.
We were busy making a living to live life to the fullest but we have failed to live our life better with epeople around who you love the most.
Despite all that, lets say you have lot of friends both in real life and on cyber space.
How many do you think would actually get to know if you die?
How many would get to know if you have a serious decease like Cancer? Or Kidney problem for that matter?How many would know how healthy you are?
How many would know your life struggles?
How many would care if you are truly happy ?
How many would ask if you are financially OK? How many would ask if you have a happy married life?
How many would genuinely help you when you need some assistance? Be it in terms of financial, or their time? their efforts?
How many of your friends would accept you the way you are if you face a terrible situation where you loose everything? How many of your friends would ask you to come and stay with them? How many would be willing to feed you until you get back up? How many would truly take care of you?
We would like to hear you. Tell us if you have a true fiend/friends that you trust fully. How many friends do you have? What was your longest friendship? We would also like to hear about a friend who did something memorable for you that truly define what a true friend is.
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