Friday, September 26, 2014

You, as a teacher, want your students to do more than learn whatever particular subject you're teaching — you want them to carry that subject with them throughout their lives and thrive in future situations where it's relevant. Unfortunately, you face a few harsh realities:
  1. Most of your students' learning will happen long after you were "officially" their teacher.

  2. Even while you're "officially" their teacher, most of their learning won't happen in your presence or under your direct guidance.
  3. It's impossible to prepare your students for every possible future situation, even assuming you knew them all.

This means that often the best thing you could do for your students' long-term success is not to teach them the particular details of your subject, but teach them how to orient themselves in uncertain or confusing situations. In the context of learning how to program, what is debugging if not the art of making sense of an uncertain or confusing (albeit programming-related) situation?

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."
- John Dewey
